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Offering IT website management service in county Mayo

Keeping your business online

Website management

Website management is how your website functions on a day-to-day basis.
Website management is a collection of processes that go on behind the scenes. Processes that enable your website to remain online, stay professional, secure and sometimes complex functional services.
The term "Website management" covers numerous and various tasks. These can include regular maintenance, updates, ongoing security management, whilst maintaining your businesses long-term development targets.

What you want and how you want your website to run, along with your overall marketing goals, are another key part of website management.

Typical website management tasks include:

  • Keeping your website online and available
  • Regular Maintenance
  • Security updates
  • Web design changes and latest product info alterations
  • Secure website file Backups
  • Web security issues and site protection
  • Customer data security
  • Domain name management
  • Host server management
  • Troubleshooting
  • etc.
  • Contact Us now to discuss our IT management plans.

    First and foremost-

    In order to make sure that your website is achieving its purpose, web maintenance is essential.
    Website maintenance includes tasks like monitoring web traffic, updating content, and ensuring that the website is secure.
    Your website will be kept up to date with all of the latest software upgrades and security features.
    The website management is far from finished here though as Website management could revolutionise how your business looks and performs online.

    Think about the future:

    What about your businesses future growth?
    The initial decisions that you make for your website structure, along with its development, will impact how you scale your website for more traffic and potential customers in the future.

    Website evolution:
    Small Businesses owners can and should allow for updating their websites as new technologies become available. Trends change almost daily and what's "hot" one week can also be out of favour the next. The key to success is being able to understand that offering new content and options to customers quickly and having the ability of adapting those changes to your own website visitors is sometimes critical and the difference between profit and loss!

    Contact Us now to discuss our IT management plans.

    Do I really need website management?
    Website maintenance costs vary depending on the size and content of your website

    In our opinion -
    "It would be unwise to not partake in a Website management contract if your IT professional offered you one"
    Contact Us now to discuss our IT management plans.

    Ten of the most important website management tasks.

    1. Security updates

    2. Unfortunately Security patches are released by web development companies quite regularly, mainly to address vulnerabilities in their software.
      These updates are generally called "Patches" and are essential in keeping your site (and data) safe from hackers.
      Installing them as soon as they're available is very important.

    3. Plugin and theme updates

    4. Plugins and themes help to extend the look and functionality of your website.
      However, like any other software, they also need to be kept up-to-date to ensure compatibility with the latest web browsers and security patches.

    5. Security scanning

    6. Security scanning is an important task in web maintenance plans to ensure that your website is secure from any potential threats.
      Regularly scanning your website can identify and fix security vulnerabilities before they cause any damage.
      This helps to protect the website, its data, and its users from potential harm.
      Scanning the website also helps to improve the user experience.
      By identifying and fixing potential security vulnerabilities, users can be assured that their personal information is safe when using the website.

    7. Content updates

    8. Your website's content should be kept up-to-date at all times so to ensure that it is relevant and accurate.
      This may include changing photographs, images, item descriptions, working practises, adding new blog posts, updating product descriptions, and removing old content.
      Outdated content can make your site look unprofessional and can turn away potential customers.

    9. Backups and disaster recovery

    10. "Having a recent backup copy of your website is worth its weight in gold".
      In the event that your hosting server fails, is hacked, or just gets compromised (for example), forward planning for the worst helps ensure that you can quickly get your website back up and running again.
      A backup helps to prevent data loss and ensures that you can restore your site if it's ever hacked or corrupted.

    11. Performance monitoring and optimisation

    12. Monitoring your website's performance can help you identify potential problems and take steps to keep your site running smoothly.
      Optimising your website's performance can help improve your site's speed and responsiveness.
      It entails the tasks of improving web page loading times, optimising image sizes, and reducing code.

    13. User management

    14. If your website has users, you'll need to manage their accounts.
      This includes creating and deleting user accounts, resetting passwords, and managing permissions.
      User management also includes cleaning out the users' list by removing bots and spam accounts.

    15. Accessibility testing

    16. Testing your website's accessibility is important to ensure that everyone can use your site.
      This includes people with disabilities, people using mobile devices, and people with slow internet connections.

    17. Up-time monitoring

    18. Up-time monitoring helps ensure that your website is available when anyone tries to view it.
      The goal is to keep your website's up-time as close to 100% as possible.
      Once your site goes down, you'll want to know about it so you can take steps to get it back up and running.

    19. SEO monitoring

    20. Monitoring your website's Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is important to ensure that it is visible in search engines.
      This will include tracking your site's ranking, back-links, and website traffic.
      SEO monitoring can help you identify potential problems and take steps to fix them.
      It can also help you track your progress over time and measure your success.

    Contact Us now to discuss our IT management plans

    Maintenance plans from Mayo-online

    We will discuss all of your options regarding the numerous tasks involved in keeping your website in great shape and propose a cost-effective way of keeping your website online, functioning correctly, and improving the general performance, security and overall functionality of your website.

    Maintenance Plan #1

    This plan is for the small business user whose website is not too reliant on any upgrades, changes and regular site content changes.
    Mayo-Online will arrange to-
    1. manage your yearly website domain name registration and dns pointing
    2. Manage your website SSL certificate
    3. Undertake in Monthly website backups
    4. Apply all new Security updates monthly
    5. Apply any new Theme updates monthly
    6. Performance monitor and optimise your websites performance monthly
    7. Make up to 5 changes to your websites details (photos, descriptions, prices etc. a monthmonthly
    8. Monitor your search engine submission (Google, Bing)monthly
    9. Monitor your websites Up-time monthly
    10. Send you monthly reports on your websites performance
    11. Priority customer "Ticket support" system
    Cost is Reduced price

    Maintenance Plan #2

    This plan is for the small business user whose website is reliant on CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Stores, etc.) upgrades, User management changes and regular site content changes.
    * Free Professional Email account. Includes 1 email account.
    Mayo-Online will arrange to-
    1. manage your yearly website domain name registration and dns pointing
    2. Manage your website SSL certificate
    3. Undertake in Weekly website backups
    4. *Email services (professional email account backup/restore service)
    5. Apply all new Security updates Weekly
    6. Apply any new Plugin and theme updates Weekly
    7. Performance monitor and optimise your websites performance monthly
    8. Undertake regular Accessibility testing
    9. Make up to 10 changes to your websites details (photos, descriptions, prices etc. a month
    10. Monitor your search engine submission (Google, Bing) monthly
    11. Weekly Database Backups
    12. Weekly Database optimisation
    13. One Weekly blog post addition
    14. Broken Links and 404 Error checking
    15. Monitor your websites Up-time
    16. Send you monthly reports on your websites performance
    17. Priority customer "Ticket support" system

    Cost is Reduced price

    All-Inclusive Plan #3

    Our All-Inclusive Plan is made available to cover every instance of large-site management.
    Due to the complexity and time-consuming tasks involved in large website management we have that we have included most services that you should require. This plan covers a broader spectrum of requirements and services, including website development, design work, and more.

    It is suitable for businesses with extensive web-related tasks that may go beyond maintenance .
    This plan is essential to the running of large websites where security and site changes are numerous and highly required.

    Mayo-Online will arrange to-
    (see full details here)

    Contact us to request any Website Management plans today.

    Our business is a growing business and we only succeed if our customers do too.
    Our customers are our business as well as our future and we like to complete all jobs with a sense of pride.
    Pride in the knowledge that we have provided a service that our clients are happy to recommend to others.

    TAKE THAT FIRST STEP INTO YOUR FUTURE BY GETTING IN TOUCH WITH US TODAY. Contact us now to discuss your new project
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